If you’ve ever been caught with a flat, you’ll know just how frustrating it is. If you’re not prepared, a flat tyre can completely ruin your day, making you late for that all-important meeting or to pick the kids up from school. They can also lead to situations that jeopardize your safety. To help you avoid getting a flat, here are the most common causes of flat tyres and how to avoid them.
Sharp object
The most common cause of a flat tyre is puncturing from a sharp object such as glass, nails and other debris. While there is only so much you can do to avoid these objects, try your best to navigate away from sharp debris on the road.
Damaged or loose valve stem
The valve stem is the small protrusion jutting out from your tyre that you use to pump air into your tyres. It is important to regularly check the condition of your valve stem as a damaged or corroded valve stem will cause air to slowly leak from your tyres and eventually result in a flat. A loose valve stem will also lead to air loss, so always make sure you tightly screw the valve stem cap on after you fill up with air.
Worn tyres
Another common cause of flat tyres is tyre wear. As tyres wear, they become less safe as the scuffing or wear can eventually create small puncture. Make sure you regularly check for signs of wear on your tread. The best way to check your tread depth is by inserting an Australian 20c coin into your tread. If the tread doesn’t reach the bill of the platypus your tread is too low.
Over pumped tyres
While it’s important to keep your tyres pumped up, it is essential that you stick to your car’s recommended tyre pressure (PSI). If you over pump your tyres you put the rubber under a huge amount of stress and if left too long, this extra pressure can result in a blowout and a trip to the car mechanic.
If you’ve been caught with a flat and need new tyres, then contact your local car mechanic. At JC Automotives, our team of friendly car mechanics specialise in tyre fitting and balancing. Located in South East Brisbane, we offer tyre inspections, tyre rotation and wheel alignments to ensure you are safe on the roads.